
The example configuration uses port 3000 and 11019 to expose the API and collect the BMP data stream. You can change those ports, if needed, but you need to expose 11019 to an IP address reachable from your router, probably bind this port to [::]:11019 and check for outside reachability. Note: You also need to specify the IP addresses of possible peers in the config file to ensure no unauthorized person is steaming a BMP stream to your machine.

To hook up routers to your looking glass, you will have to configure either a BMP (BGP Monitoring Protocol) or BGP session between your router and the looking glass.

For both the BGP and BMP collectors, multiple instances can be created (listening on different ports, etc.) and per-peer configuration can be provided based on the client IP.

If multiple collectors collect data with the same hostname (as reported by BMP or BGP peer, or set in name_override), the data will be combined in the frontend. This can be used to build complex views of the Pre/Post Policy Adj-In and LocRib tables using multiple BGP sessions.
If using BMP, everything should 'just work'.

collectors: # BMP collector that listens on port 11019 and accepts all incoming connections bmp_any: collector_type: Bmp bind: "[::]:11019" default_peer_config: {} # BMP collector that listens on port 11020 and accepts incoming connections only from select client IPs bmp_filtered: collector_type: Bmp bind: "[::]:11020" peers: "": {} "": name_override: # BGP collector that listens on port 1179 and accept all incoming connections bgp_any: collector_type: Bgp bind: "[::]:1179" default_peer_config: asn: 64496 router_id: # BGP collector that listens on the privileged port 179 and accepts incoming connections only from select client IPs bgp_filtered: collector_type: Bgp bind: "[::]:179" peers: "": asn: 64496 router_id: "": asn: 64496 router_id: name_override:

Valid options for BMP peer config:

  • name_override (optional): Use this string instead of the sys_name advertised in the BMP initiation message

Valid options for BGP peer config:

  • asn (required): AS Number advertised to peer
  • router_id (required): Router ID advertised to peer
  • name_override (optional): Use this string instead of the hostname advertised in the BGP hostname capability
  • route_distinguisher (optional): Routes belonging to this route-distinguisher are advertised in the default table. See VRF/Routing-Instances for more information